The Name of the organization shall be the ND District 23 GOP.
The objectives of the organization shall be as follows:
To work for and promote the election of the Republican Party's nominees and candidates who pledge to support the platform and planks adopted by the Republican Party, provided they are not in conflict with traditional religious and moral teachings.
To educate each individual, (regardless of party affiliation) in the District, about actions or inactions of government entities impaction their lives, property and well-being.
To encourage more participation in federal, state, and local government.
To organize in such a manner that the District is able to provide services to endorsed candidates running for office and assist those candidates once elected to office to communicate with the voters of District 23.
To ensure the public has unfettered access to all District 23 processes. All such processes shall remain transparent and open.
Membership to the District 23 Republican Party shall be granted to people who meet ALL of the following criteria:
American citizen,
at least eighteen (18) years of age,
Living in District 23 for at least 30 days,
Current dues-paying member of the District 23 Republican Party
Membership dues shall be $20 per year, payable to the treasurer. Dues shall be valid only for the calendar year in which they are paid.
Officers shall include a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; all elected to 2-year terms. The election shall take place, according to the Century Code, at a meeting called by the Chairman with notice in all district newspapers at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.
At his discretion, the Chairman may appoint an Executive Committee consisting of all officers, Republican legislators and endorsed candidates for the legislature, and one person representing each population center in the district. Individuals filling open seats, elected by the above members, to bring the total Executive Committee membership to no more than eighteen (18). Officers need not be precinct committeemen or nominee for, or members of the legislative assembly.
District Chair: The District Chair shall be a member of the North Dakota Republican Party's State Committee, representing District 23. The Chair shall be the District Committee's and District Executive Committee's presiding officer - responsible for calling all Regular and Special District Meetings and overseeing the appointment and work of the District's Special Committees. The Chair shall perform the duties on behalf of the District required by state statute and in accordance with the Rules of the North Dakota Republican Party.
Vice-Chair: The District Vice-Chair shall assist the District Chair as requested in the performance of the duties of the office, and, in the event of the death of the Chair, or their inability or unwillingness to serve, the Vice-Chair shall serve as acting Chair until the Chair resumes their duties or until the election of a new District Chair by a majority vote of the District Committee.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the steward of the District's financial resources - responsible for overseeing all monetary transactions. Including paying invoices, depositing funds, keeping systematic records, and for complying with any applicable state and federal statutes with regard to reporting contributions and expenditures. The Treasurer shall report the District's current financial position at District Committee Meetings and District Executive Committee.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date role of the District Committee members, District Officers, Executive Committee members, noticing meetings, take meeting minutes, and distribute meeting minutes to District Committee members. In the event of a vacancy in the office of District Chair, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the District Committee for the purpose of electing a new District Chair.
If any member of the Executive Committee's District Officers misses three (3) consecutive meetings, be it Executive Committee or District Committee, despite receiving appropriate notification of the meetings and without notice to the Chairman or a Vice-Chairman of their intended absence, an Executive Committee meeting may be called by the Chair or majority of the Executive Committee with a minimum of ten (10) day notice and vote on removal from the board. Unanimous vote of Executive Committee members present is required for removal from the board.
The Chairman shall call the time and place for all meetings and to preside over them.
The Vice-Chair shall preside in the absence of the Chairman and assist the Chair with their Chair-delegated duties.
The Secretary shall keep all meetings minutes, membership records, and up-to-date Bylaws. Furthermore, the Secretary will ensure all District documents are publicly available.
The Treasurer shall pay all bills approved by the Chairman and keep a record of all financial transactions.
The Chairman shall call a District meeting every two (2) years, in even numbered years, prior to April 1st. The purpose of the meetings shall include:
Election of delegates to the state Republican Nominating Convention.
Nominate legislative candidates.
Make plans to secure new members and to collect contributions for District and state party activities. ​
Additional District meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman or by the endorsed and elected Republican members of the legislature from District 23.
Notice of all District meetings shall be required to be published in the Legislative District's official newspaper at least ten (10) days in advance of the scheduled meeting.
In accordance with N.D.C.C 54-03-01.12, Legislative District 23 is entitled to elect one (1) Senator and two (2) Representatives to serve District 23 in the North Dakota Legislative Assembly, elected to a four (4) year term, in each presidential election year.
Voting privileges at District 23's District Endorsing Convention shall be given to all attendees that successfully meet the Membership criteria outlined in Article III.
Each of the three (3) legislative seats will be voted on separately.
Voting by ballot shall be used in contested races.
Ballots will be counted by a committee comprised of District 23's District Executive Committee members, appointed by the District Chair.
Uncontested candidates do not require ballot voting.
Candidates receiving the majority of votes cast at the District Endorsing Convention will receive the District's Endorsement.
The Chairman may fill vacancies created by resignation of the Vice-Chairman, 2nd Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary. If the Chairman chooses to vacate before the end of his term, he shall call a District Meeting; or failing to do so, the Vice-Chairman shall call the District Meeting for purpose of choosing a replacement.
District 23 Meetings and Conventions of the District shall be governed by the District 23 Rules, the North Dakota Republican Party's Rules, and Roberts Rules of Order - unless otherwise prescribed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of District 23's District Committee.
The current, most up-to-date version of District 23's Bylaws will always remain accessible to the public and available upon request from an Executive Committee member.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any Regular meeting of the Legislative District Committee or at a Legislative District Convention, adjourned session thereof, or Special meeting called for the purpose.