North Dakota District 23 GOP 12/28/2023
As the Executive Committee working on behalf of District 23 GOP constituents, we want to publicly address behaviors of Representative Nico Rios while stopped by Williston police officers on December 15th, 2023. The language and slurs that Rep. Rios chose to use disrespected and belittled officers during his violation and are not consistent with our beliefs and party platform. We wish to emphasize that we value, support, and respect the officers who serve and protect our community.
The district 23 Executive Committee has engaged in discussions throughout the holiday season and allowed Rep. Rios ample time for self-reflection while awaiting his decision following House Majority Leader Mike Lefor’s official call for his resignation on December 26th, 2023. The district 23 Executive Committee is prepared to promptly call an executive meeting to take appropriate actions for District 23 following Rep. Rios’ decision. However, as of December 28th, 2023, the Executive Committee has not received a letter of resignation from Rep. Rios. We, the members of the district 23 Executive Committee, have lost confidence in Rep. Rios' ability to represent the district 23 voters’ best interests. Therefore, the Committee is now publicly requesting the resignation of Representative Nico Rios.
It is not this Committee’s wish to diminish Rep. Rios’ service to District 23. It is our hope and sincere encouragement that Rep. Rios seeks the help he expressed that he needs.

Newly elected House Representative
Dennis Nehring
ELECTION for House of Representatives
Resignation notice from District 23 House Representative Scott Dyk was formally provided to the district from House Majority Leader Mike Lefor on 04/09/2024.
District 23 GOP will be filling the vacant seat by holding an election on Tuesday 04/30/2024 at Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 6401 3rd Ave E, Williston, ND 58801
starting at 6:30pm CST and doors opening at 5:30pm.
All GOP members are welcome to attend the meeting. We will be verifying your membership at the door. If you would like to vote, you must follow the following:
1.) Live within District 23 for a minimum of 30 days
2.) Must be 18 years+
3.) Must be a U.S. Citizen
4.) Provide proof of residency with photo ID and utility bill if your ID doesn't reflect your current address
5.) A paid member of the District 23 GOP; cost of membership is $20 per calendar year
AUGUST 10, 2024
3rd Annual Elephant Cup Golf Tournament! Fundraiser for ND District 23 GOP and hosted by Eagle Ridge Golf Club. More details to follow!

MARCH 20, 2024
From: The Dakotan
ND Age Limits Amendment Bound for Ballot
Retire Congress ND Meets Threshold for Ballot Initiative
FARGO -- Retire Congress North Dakota announces that its proposed amendment to the North Dakota state Constitution that would prohibit anyone from North Dakota over aged 80 from serving in Congress will be on the June 11th primary ballot.
The proposed amendment, if passed, would not impact any current North Dakota congressional office holders eligible for reelection in 2024. Retire Congress North Dakota submitted 42,107 signatures from North Dakotans who believe this critically important issue must be addressed.
After review the Secretary of State confirmed they had exceeded the required 31,164 signatures needed to qualify the amendment for the ballot. Without congressional term limits in our federal constitution preventing members from serving indefinitely, many in Congress hold their positions for life. Many Americans favor age limits for Congress if congressional term limits are not implemented, especially with many in Congress aged 80 or older.
“Serving in Congress has become a lifelong occupation for many members,” said Jared Hendrix, Chair of Retire Congress North Dakota. “Sadly, Congress has gone from the world’s greatest deliberative body to one of the nation’s best assisted living facilities. Retire Congress North Dakota recognizes basic truths. With age comes health and cognitive decline, which invariably lead to absences and policy concerns. Some have served even though their cognizance has been called into question. We love our seniors and value their wisdom, but there's a time to go home, be with your grandchildren and live under the laws you've passed.”
“Congress has refused to act. Now in North Dakota we are prepared to do something about it and set age limits for Congress,” continued Hendrix. “With the overwhelming response in signatures to get this amendment on the ballot, I have no doubt it will easily pass in June. Once it is passed, other states will follow North Dakota’s lead in setting age limits.
“Even limiting the age at 80 is far above the retirement age in the military and many private corporations,” concluded Hendrix. “The average age of retirement in America is 64. Everybody else retires, I don’t see why politicians should be different. You can’t run for Senate until you’re 30, or Congress until you’re 25. So we already have age limits on the lower end, just not the upper end.”
The proposed amendment sets a maximum of 80 years and states no person may be elected or appointed to serve a term or a portion of a term in the U.S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representatives if that person could attain 81 years of age by December 31st of the year immediately preceding the end of the term. Once approved by voters, age limits on congressional candidates would be effective Jan. 1, 2025.
More information can be found at www.retirecongressnorthdakota.com
March 5, 2024
From: The Dakotan
ND Republican Party release:
Sandi Sanford, Chairwoman of the North Dakota Republican Party, announced the results of the North Dakota Republican Presidential Caucus late Monday evening.
Vote results of the caucus are: Donald Trump with 84% (29 delegates)
1,933 turned out for the caucus, which the Republican Party had been featuring for many weeks. Eight candidates qualified for the ballot initially including North Dakota Governor, Doug Burgum. Burgum eventually suspended his race and endorsed Trump shortly thereafter.
Former President Trump was expected to win North Dakota, which was one of the highest Trump-voting states in the 2020 election. Sanford applauded North Dakota citizens who came out to participate in the caucus, saying “North Dakotans truly believe in our founding principles and the expectation that we, the people, must participate in our government for it to serve them,” said Sanford. “I’m heartened by the people engaging in the Caucus so strongly,” she said.
Former President Trump continued strong support in North Dakota capturing all 29 delegates under the party rules. Trump garnered 84%, more than enough to capture all North Dakota delegates.